Movie Trailer Website


Criteria Meet Specification

Is the page dynamically generated from a Python data structure?

Page is dynamically generated from a Python data structure.

Does the page present the required content (title, art, and link)?

Page does present required content (movie title, box art and trailer link).

Is the page error free?

Page is error free.

Code Quality

Criteria Meet Specification

Is the code ready for personal review and neatly formatted according to the Python PEP-8 Guidelines?

Code is ready for personal review and neatly formatted. Students should follow the Python PEP-8 Guidelines


Criteria Meet Specification

Are comments effectively used to explain longer code procedures?

Comments effectively explain longer code procedures.


Criteria Meet Specification

Is there a README file that include details of all steps required to successfully run the application?

A README file includes details of all the steps required to successfully run the application.

Tips to make your project standout:

  • Alter the HTML/CSS/JS to improve the look of the page.
  • Use an API to supply movie data.